Kiawah and Seabrook support Mt. Zion Schools and needs your help

Help support Mt. Zion kids!
On Tuesday, August 18, the 2014-15 school year begins for Mt.
Zion Elementary students on Johns Island. Like so many others of our Island
neighbors, the teachers and students at Mt. Zion face many challenges. And 
just as they have done in the past, Kiawah and Seabrook Islanders, along 
with property owners at Cassique and Kiawah River Estates, will help them 
turn these challenges into opportunities.
The donations collected over the years have enabled the Support
Mt. Zion Kids fund to purchase Smart Boards (electronic white boards) before 
 they were provided by the district, as well as provide school uniforms for
students in need, computerized learning programs, support for the Accelerated 
 Reading program (which helps students at or below grade level to improve 
their reading skills), and provide materials and supplies which teachers 
need on a daily basis.
During the course of this past year, we also distributed many of
the school supplies donated in previous years. Even so, we still have pencils, 
 erasers, and loose-leaf paper for the upcoming year. However, a number of 
the “staples” we provide need to be replenished.
Because of these needs, we - are asking for your generosity 
 to take one of two forms: (1) by donating some of the supplies listed below 
or (2) by providing monetary donations. We will use the funds we collect to
purchase additional supplies and uniforms as needed throughout the school 
Needed supplies include:
•   Crayons (24 pack)
•   School uniforms (red or white shirts and khaki or navy pants)
•   Washable magic markers
•   Construction Paper and art supplies
•   1/2 inch and 1 inch White Avery Binders
•   Expo or other brand Dry Erase Markers
•   Glue sticks
•   Individual pencil sharpeners
•   Black & White Composition Notebooks
•   Two-pocket, three-pronged folders
•   Scissors, both blunt- and pointed-tipped
•   Construction paper and other art supplies
Please provide your donations as soon as you can.  South Carolina's 2014 
tax-free shopping dates have not yet been announced. However, based on last 
year's dates, it is likely South Carolina's tax-free holiday will be August 
1-3, 2014.  
In addition to the school supplies we provide to Mt. Zion
students, Kiawah and Seabrook Islanders have provided more than 1,000 hours 
per year by serving as volunteers in the classroom. You need not have teaching 
 experience, only a willingness to help the students in our local schools. 
This assistance may be for an hour a week or an entire day – however much 
the Mt. Zion students and their teachers will appreciate time you are able 
to give. Just talk to your friends and neighbors who have donated their time 
and they will tell you how rewarding an experience it is! If you are interested 
in helping out in the classroom, mentoring a student, tutoring students or 
reading to classes.
Another way we can help the students at Mt. Zion is through
shopping at Harris Teeter. At the beginning of the school year, ask the 
cashier at checkout to enter school number 3455 into the register. By doing 
so, a portion of what you spend is donated to Mt. Zion Elementary each time 
you shop and purchase “Together in Education” items. If you have an 
Office Depot credit card, please inform the sales associate at the register 
to credit Mt. Zion Elementary. Office Depot will also credit Mt. Zion with 
5% of any purchases you make – whether or not they are school supplies. 
The school ID# for Mt. Zion is 70090775, and this program is in effect all 
year long. Staples also has a rewards program for its purchases, as well as 
a teacher rewards program. Finally, if you have a Target credit card, you 
can register on the Target web site for Mt. Zion Elementary. These businesses 
donate a portion of sales dollars to local schools.
On behalf of the entire Mt. Zion family, we thank you in advance
for your generous support.

I have deleted the contact names because they included home addresses and phone numbers but  wanted to pass this information along because it is so important.
